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Abu Simbel was built on the Southern end of Ramesses' (c.1279-c.1213BC) kingdom. It was built, as a warning to the Nubians and others, that this is where Egypt begins. It was also built to try to win over those who would do harm to Egypt.
view, as we round the corner, at Abu Simbel. WOW!!
There are 4 -65 foot high statues of the deified Ramesses
smaller figures under Ramesses' feet, are his enemies, Nubians on the left, and
Hitittes and Libyans on the right. The figures, around his feet, are some of his
many children. At the very top of the East facing
facade, are baboons, heralding the rising sun.
The upper portion of the second statue fell after a severe
earthquake, in the 31st year of Ramesses' reign. It was decided to leave it
where it fell, rather than restore it, when the site was moved.
Since tour guides are not allowed to give tours inside
many sites in Egypt (they tend to back up the large crowds), Amr instructs us on
what to look for when we enter the temple. He explains the panels with the
battle of Qadesh and what to look for on other various panels, and their
Marilyn, for scale. Notice the toes of Ramesses'
collossal statue above Marilyn's head.
favorite wife, Marilyn, as Nafertari.
friends, with Lake Nasser, in the background.
Temple of Ramesses II, celebrates his worshipping the gods and his military
A panel illustrating the Battle of Qadesh, (1724 BC). the panel shows the
preparation for battle and the battle itself. Ramesses takes on the entire
Hititte army, as he charges ahead, on his chariot.
On Feb. 21st and Oct.21st, the sunlight hits the Sanctuary and lights up the
statues of Amun-Re, Re-Horakhty, Ptah, and the diefied Ramesses.
adjacent Temple of Horus and Nefertari (Ramesses' favorite wife).
was rather warm, for January, so we took a break under a scarce shade tree.
We're standing in front of the two temples. Ramesses' temples
is to the left and Nefertari's is to the right.
The view from the back, showing the mountain constructed behind the colossal
statues at Abu Simbel.