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Edfu was dedicated to the worship of Horus.
We rode to Edfu in horse-drawn carriages.
Entering Edfu at it's first pylon.
Edfu is one of the best preserved temples. It has one temple inside another. Between the temples is a corridor and on the inner walls of the outer temple is a Nilometer to measure the Nile floods. There's a panel that shows a bird's eye view of the site. This is also the site where the high priests performed a play (thought to be the first in history) about Seth's defeat at the hands of the harpoon of Horus. .
This shows Ptolemy helping to
kill Seth. The story comes from the reign of Ramsses V (c.1147-c.1143BC).
Supposedly, the battle took place at Elaphantine, in Southern
Egypt. The story continues into the Ptolemaic Period too.
close-up of the harpooning of Seth.
The last panel shows Osiris cutting a cake to celebrate Seth's (a small hippo) defeat. Much of the defacing of the temples was done by early Christians but a lot was also done by other pharoahs who didn't care much for the previous pharoahs.
breifs us on what's inside the temple.
Our "class act" in front of the statue of Horus, at Edfu.
sacred boat near the central tabernacle. It is thought that the golden image,
that was housed in the tabernacle, was removed every year and exposed to direct
sunlight to "recharge" itself
This panel is part of a series of panels that follows the solar boat around the
perimeter of a portion of the outer temple. It shows the boat in port, then
beginning to sail and, under full sail.
panel shows a list of offerings to the deceased.
This panel shows how the Egyptians could have drawn images in
3 dimensions but preferred not to do so.
We rode back to the boat in horse-drawn carriages.