(Photos LK) This is an arrowhead "machine" that Larry's friend, Bob, gave to him. It's from a rock shop in Arizona and probably dates to the 60's. If you know anything about this machine, please, let Larry know.
...And here's the answer.
This information was sent to Larry via John Oostenryk of Fulton Il. His good friend, Toad Martensen (an avid, 92 year old, rock hound), from Clinton Iowa, gave him a bunch of old Lapidary Journals. In one of the Journals from April 1961, the above article was found along with an original advertisement for the arrowhead machine. Thanks so much, John!! That answers a ton of questions.
John and Sharon Mondino found this Boy Scout flintknapping kit. It was made in 1965. Look at the chunks of flint they expected those Scouts to use.