(last up-dated 30/Dec./2018)
There are over 5,000 photos on this site, so feel free to browse.
Larry's U-Tube Channel http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=MrMegalithics&sm=12
GENICULATE Larry drills a geniculate bannestone.
PJW'S ATLATL Larry drills a bannerstone.
Carolyn's Shark Tooth Club Added October 12th, 2012
Larry, getting the
Crabtree award.
Larry's SEAC paper Larry's bannerstone paper, delivered at SEAC, 2010.
Larry, using a stone celt, at Rabbit Stick 2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zObOcOdUWo
Larry using a stone celt, on an ash log. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSOuU-Q0SAs
Turkey-N-Greece Pictures of the Kinsellas, on their Turkey/Greece, tour.
Mastodon Clovises Assorted Clovises, in different stages of manufacture, for Mastodon State Park, MO.
Devil's Hole over 450 pics of old Devil's Hole Knap-ins.
FLINT TYPES Pics of different chert types (More to be added soon)
Larry's Pit House A blow by blow account of Larry's reconstruction of a pit house from the Assembly of God Church site(11-S-926).
Flintknapping: Romancing the Cone This article appears in the Spring 2009 edition of the Cahokian.
The Atlatl World Open 1982-'83-'85-'86
(Photo Ray Fraser, )
shark's tooth club, currently on display, at the Gilcrease Institute, Tulsa,
Missouri's Archaeology Month Poster for 2008
made as many tools and points as he could from a single 14 lb. nodule of
Crescent Quarry Burlington. The link is to Pete Bostrom's site with larger photo
resolution and better photography. The poster was used for the back cover of the
Spring 2009 edition of the Bulletin of Primitive Technology No. 37. There's also
a short article, about the project, on page 80.
Bulletin of Primitive Technology
Yes, that's the axe Larry made for Dave Wescott, on the 20th anniversary of
Rabbit Stick, and it's on the cover of the Fall, 2007 issue, # 34.
Flintknapping, Art of the Ancients, 2008 Calendar.
Yep, those are two of Larry's points
on the January, 2008 page.
2009 calendar
Larry's raw hornstone Clovis is on the left,
on the April page.
Larry won the 2008 Gregory Perino Memorial Award, at the Collinsville Artifact Show.
It was given by the Illinois State Archaeological Society for the best
presentation on experimental archaeology.
The Cahokia Pit House Project Some photos of the project.
Cahokia Stockade Information on the reconstruction of the stockade around the Callahan Pit House and the single post structure at the old Cahokia Mounds Museum, Circa 1983.
HOW TO MAKE A STONE AXE Instructions for making axes and/or celts.
Pictures of our trip to Egypt in
January, 2007.
GREGORY PERINO memories of Greg
LETTERS FROM GREG (Letters from Greg)
(some of) Ray's Letters
JOHN WHITE John's classes at Cahokia Mounds
NEW Fecht Photos Bill Fecht photos, of old collections, from the 50s and 60s.
Woodhenge photos of Cahokia's Woodhenge
The Cahokia Archaeological Society
HEAT-TREATING Pictures and explanations of Larry's various flint heat-treating projects.
Tammy Beane, potter View some of her incredible work.
AXE ME NO QUESTIONS Axes, Larry has made and used
To See Larry's article, "What Mystery? an answer to creased celts", go to: AXE ME NO QUESTIONS PG-2 That article was picked as one of the best for the last 25 years and was published in the 50th anniversary edition of the Central States Archaeological Journal.
RABBIT STICK and WINTERCOUNT Some pics of the Rabbit Stick/ Wintercount Rendesvous
ATLASTATLATL Larry's work with atlatls
LARRY'S KNAPPING Some of Larry's knapped points and stuff
MICRO-DRILL HEAVEN Micro-drills from the Cahokia area
HOE, HOE, HOE Some of Larry's hoes and spades
Banner Bash Bannerstones, Larry's made
BLOOPERS Larry's stupid stuff
SHARK'S TOOTH CLUBS Up-dated with better photos and assembly
SPUDS Battle axes?
The Kinsella Cabin The log cabin where Larry was raised
marilynkinsella.org Larry's wife, Marilyn's storytelling site.
Morels Yummm
Ol Goats and Geezers Larry's memorial page, for his mentors
The Kinsella Christmas cards, (all 27 years)
Larry's Links Sites, we like
If it's flintnapper, flintknappers, flint napper, or flint knapper, this site's for you!
Contact LARRY megalithics@hotmail.com