(up-dated 13/July/2012)
New shirt!!
"So Many Mammoths....So Little Time"
"Flintknapping, Romancing the Cone"
Most shirts, in all sizes, XXL-XL-L-M-S
There is only one size Small in each shirt type because I don't sell many of them. If you want a size Small, order now!
(Photo LK)
Maroon w/white lettering. "T" shirts "Mastodon Meatcutter's Local #1, You stab "em, We slab "em"
(charcoal w/blue lettering) (Photo LK)
Be the first person in your tribe to own this, "Right to Bear", original.
(Photo LK)
Back, by popular demand!! (Charcoal with blue point and red lettering only)
Contact Larry for prices.
plus shipping/Priority Mail (Usually about $6.00)
Beginner's flintknapping kits. Kits include: over 25 flint/chert flakes
1 copper pressure flaker
LK) 1 Piece sandstone and
1 palm pad
(please, minimum order 5 kits)
To order, e-mail Larry with:
1) what you want
2) how many you want, and/or sizes
3) your shipping address
Larry usually ships shirts via Priority Mail (about$6.00) and UPS, for larger orders.
Contact Larry at : megalithics@hotmail.com
Larry will send your order. You check it to make sure you're satisfied. If you're satisfied, send the payment, plus postage. If not, return it.
Notice) effective Oct 8th, 2007, payments will be considered delinquent, 90 days after shipment.