Back to: Micro-drill Heaven 1
These blades help explain
the manufacturing technique for Kunnemann micro-drills. Upon close
examination, one can see that some edges have been unifacially worked, that
is, crushed or scraped in one direction, to produce a straight edge. The
blade is then driven down that edge. Many of these are too short, too long,
too flat, too narrow, too thick, too thin, etc. to be used and they were
rejected. Koldehoff had seen this in the Fingerhut micro-drill assemblage.
(Kinsella photo)
GIZZARD drills
These are some of the
most unusual drills from the site. They appear to be polished by being
swallowed by birds and sitting in their craw for a while before being
expelled. I met a woman from Central Missouri a few years ago who had
butchered about 8,000 turkeys since she started working for a poultry
producer and has retrieved 32 such arrowheads from their craws. It is
interesting to note, that Perino had seen a small, well-built, brick
building on the Kunnemann site that he thought was an old school house. When
he was hunting the site it was a chicken house. (Perino personal
communication 2001)
are some of the Kunnemann cores. Note that many are worked from both ends.
When a platform was no longer viable the opposite end was removed creating
a new platform for micro-blade and micro-drill removal. Notice that a few
of the cores show the remnants of drill removals that were unsuccessful,
that is, the drills only went half-way leaving the unifacial edge intact.
These aborted removals help explain how these drills were manufactured.
(Photo Pete Bostrom)
Here's a pic of one of the cores from Kunneman.
Since two-sided drills are prone to breakage, most micro-drills have 3 or 4 sides.
The drills also show use
wear after repeated use and need to be discarded or resharpened.
(Photoby Pete Bostrom)
The life of a
micro-drill is represented here.
(Photo Pete Bostrom)
The blade is driven from a core, shaped into a micro-drill, used, resharpened, snapped, and discarded. A shell bead is included to show the size of the holes being drilled.