The History of the Cahokia Archaeological Society
(up-dated 18 Oct. 2015)
The 2012 bus tour of the American bottoms.
registration table is set up at 8:45
start arriving at 9:00and Lee and Lila manned the table.
We departed at 10:05 AM.
the largest remaining mound at the Pfeffer Site, Lebanon, IL.
the bus for lunch (box lunches from The Sandwich Shop, Collinsville, IL.) at
Cahokia Mounds
Lee and Lila, had everything waiting for us.
to re-board the bus for the afternoon portion of the tour.
Touring the Horseshoe Lake mound site. The mound is in
the trees to the left,
for a group photo at Falling Springs, in Dupo, IL.
Dr. Kelly provided a 32-page tour booklet for all the
The CAS Christmas pot luck, December 15th, 2011.
The 2011 CAS bus tour to Kampsville
Lila, takes names and give out the pamphlets.
The tour pamphlets.
Disembarking, for lunch.
The Riverdock was crowded even before we arrived.
Lunch at the Riverdock Restaurant, Hardin, IL.
Disembarking for the Buried Gardens of Kampsville archaeological site.
Mary Pirkl explains the site layout, stratigriphy, and interpretation.
Jason King presents his program on the Mound House excavations and
We visited the museum for a few minutes.
The ride back to Cahokia Mounds.
Arriving safe and sound (and a few minutes early, BTW) at the Cahokia Mounds
parking lot.
Our thanks, to those who helped make the trip such a success. We also need to
thank Lila Vick for manning the registration table and Greg and Shari Paulus,
for providing the tour pamphlets.
Stay tuned for next year's CAS bus tour!!
The 2011, CAS, June, pot luck.
As we drove home, a beautiful sunset, magically
appeared, behind Monk's Mound.
The 2010 Cahokia Archaeological Society's bus tour
Stopped at the Cahokia Court house and stretched our legs.
Dr. Kelly explaining the layout and importance of the Waushausen site.
Our group photo at the beautiful Falling Springs.
Our bus, at the end of a long, but wonderful, day. See ya next year!!
CAS meeting Feb. 18/2010
Falling Springs Feb. 18, 2010
The 2009, Cahokia Archaeological Society, Bus Tour.
Here's the 2009 tour group shivering in front of Falling Springs, near Dupo IL, at 10:30 AM. We had nearly 3 inches of snow that morning but it melted quickly. We left the parking lot of Cahokia Mounds at 8:05 AM, 5 minutes behind schedule. Our guide, Dr John Kelly, handed out booklets containing pertinent information on many of the sites we were about to see. The 22-page booklet (printed both sides), titled, "A Tour of American Bottom Sites March 2009", contained maps, sketches, line drawings, and photos about those sites. It should be a great addition to any library.
We saw these sites: The Indian Mounds
Motel, The Sam Chucalo Mound, The East St. Louis Mound Group, The St. Louis
Mound Group, The Sugarloaf Mound in South St. Louis, The Washausen Site, The
Pulcher Mounds, The Sugarloaf Mound near Dupo, The Range Site, , Falling
The Boismenue House, The Cahokia Courthouse, The Holy Family Church, The
Jarrot Mansion, The Lohmann Site, The Julian Site, The Florence Street
Site, the Mound at Horseshoe Lake, The Collinsville Sugarloaf Mound, and Fox
Then, we broke for lunch, back at Cahokia Mounds.
Lunches contained assorted wraps w/pickle, potato salad, and a cookie from Renee's Gourmet Catering, of Collinsville, IL. Lunch was included in the $30.00 per-person fee.
After lunch, we visited: The
Whiteside School Site, The Grossman Site, The Summertooth Site, The Halliday
Site, The Pfeffer Site, Emerald Mound, Wanda Mound, The Grassy Lake Mound Group,
and the Mitchell Mound Group. Along the way, many other historical and
archaeological features were expertly explained by Dr John Kelly, our
experienced guide. We arrived back at Cahokia Mounds,
at 2:55 PM, five minutes ahead of schedule. CAS volunteers, Lee Vick, Lila
Vick, and Brian Kolde, along with Dr. Kelly, handed out brochures and pamphlets
to those disembarking. The hand-outs consisted of Cahokia Archaeological
Society, Cahokia Mounds Museum Society, and Powell Archaeological Research
Center information and a PARC/CMMS Trivia Night flyer.
Many very complimentary comments were expressed by the participants.
Benefits from this tour will be used to fund Archaeology Day, at Cahokia Mounds, on August 1st, 2009.
Members of the CAS who have won either the IAS Distinguished Amateur Award or the IAAA's Professional Service Award.
From the left: Al Meyer (DAA), John Kelly (PSA), Bill Iseminger(PSA), Larry Kinsella (DAA), Lila Vick (DAA), Lee Vick (DAA)
seated, Leonard Blake (DAA).
(Photo LK) Some CAS members
attended the Archaeofest 2007, in Beloit. This picture shows the campus sign and
some of the low mounds in the background, with South Suburban chapter members,
for scale.
(Photo LK) Just a few of the 31
volunteer certificate award winners.
(Photo John Beck) From left
(back row) Ferrel Anderson (recipient of the IAAA Lifetime Volunteer Award), Ken
Farnsworth (recipient of the IAAA Professional Service Award), Bill Iseminger
(recipient of the IAAA Service to the Organization Award),
Bob Nale (back row right), and Larry Kinsella (bottom row left), with their volunteer plaques, with Brenda Beck, (IAAA). President
Click here for the HISTORY of the Cahokia Archaeological Society, from its beginnings, to the year 2000.
We held our 3 chapter, pot luck, June meeting at the Devil's Hole Knap-in. It was small but we had a good time. The chapters were: Cahokia Archaeological Society, the Mounds City Archaeological Society, and the Three Rivers Archaeological Society.
(Photos by Carol Baluka) CAS
members Carol, Larry, Earl, Sue, Judy, Greg, Shari, Lee, and Lila were there.
Some members belong to more than one chapter.
This is our recent bus trip to Southern Illinois. It was co-sponsored by the Cahokia Archaeological Society and the Mounds City Archaeological Society, with Mounds City doing most of the work. We visited Fort De Chartres, the Stonefort, at Giant City State Park, and Millstone Bluff. We had a great meal, at the lodge, in Giant City.
The trip was publicized in the St. Louis newspapers and we had a great turnout.
Fort De Chartres
Note) Photos marked (Photo CB) were taken by Carol Baluka.
Approaching the fort, from the parking lot.
The Main Gate at Fort De Chartres.
(PhotosCB) Inside the
enclosure, showing the guardhouse, and partially reconstructed barracks.
(Photo CB) The bakery oven.
(Photo CB)
The powder magazine.
The museum building is to the left with the guard's
quarters to the right.
Note) Photos marked (Photo CB) were taken by Carol Baluka.
CB) We ate lunch at the Giant City State Park
Note) Photos marked (Photo CB) were taken by Carol Baluka.
(PhotoCB) The climb from the parking lot to the top of the bluff.
CB) Portions of the reconstructed stone fort, on
the top of the bluff.
Dr. Butler briefs us on the possible use and date of
the site.
The path down to our air-conditioned bus.
Millstone Bluff
Note) Photos marked (Photo CB) were taken by Carol Baluka.
CB) Dr. Butler explains the stone fort and village as we
catch our breath.
CB) Some scenes along the path.
CB) We step out onto the platform to view the bird
An interpretive sign on top of the bluff.
The official plaque near the parking area.
CAS bus tour, of Ft. DeChartres and St. Gennevieve, MO, October 17th, 2015.