Points and Barbs (A link to a collection of Greg's ideas and opinions from the Illinois State Archaeological Society's web site.)
(All photos LK)
Ray, Dave, Greg, Larry, Charlie, and John
Ray Fraser's article "Greg Perino, mentor to us all" Central States
Archaeological Journal
Greg using his home-made bellows at the Hacker
South site. Il.
Greg and Larry on the Cossatott River, during
the Dequeen Reservoir excavations. Ar.
Greg's famous rocking screens.
Greg and students at the Bob Williams site. Tx.
the left) Ray, Dave, Greg, Larry,
Charlie, and John. 1981, while at the Museum of
the Red River, Idabel Ok.
As you can see in this photo, most of us have dirt on our clothes, especially the knees. Greg never seemed to get dirty. I asked him why and he said that when he was in high school, at the old Belleville Township High School, he would wait for the roll call, then slip out the back door and hop an L+N freight train to Centerville. There he would dig pits and burials until it was time to get home. In order to keep himself clean, he would always kneel on a carpet scrap. On the way home, the train would have to climb back up the bluff. Sometimes those old steam locomotives didn't get a good enough head of steam to make it up the bluffs and had to back down, unhook some cars, and try again. Greg hated that because it meant he would be late and his parents would find out that he was skipping school. I can almost see Greg, pulling a Ferris Buehler, jumping fences, dodging traffic, and cutting across lawns to make it home in time.
(Clark site) Tx.
1990, The Ramey field and Md. 34, at Cahokia...
During this trip, Greg traveled, with archaeologists and other interested amateurs, around Cahokia Mounds and other archaeological sites in the American Bottoms. He shared information about those sites. This was video-taped, audio-taped, and transcribed. Maps were used to pin-point his observations. Little known facts were finally explained and much was learned about his explorations in the American Bottoms area.
Dec. '02 Idabel, Ok. (Larry and Dave,
stopped by to say hi.)
Nov. "03, Idabel, Ok. Ray and Larry stopped
Greg signing copies of the front page of , what would come to be, the Perino Memorial Volume, "03
Larry and Steve visit '04, Idabel,
(Photo Steve Boles) Greg enjoyed seeing "Big Mama"
Excerpts from letters, Greg wrote to Larry, over the years. Almost all of Greg's letters contained bits of information about archaeology and/or artifact identification. Occasionally, drawings were added.