(up-dated 4/July/2016)
(LK 4/July/2014)
Made these Cahokias from heated Kaolin the 2nd week of December, 2011
Made these shark's tooth replicas the second week of December, 2011. They are for club # 10.
Made this dovetail at Cahokia mounds on Sunday, August28th, 2011
Here's a Clovis, Larry made, at the 2011 Illinois State Fair!
Here's two Clovises Larry made for Mastodon State Park January,2010.
Lithic Artists Guild photo 2005
2008 Flintknapping Calendar (January)
(Larry's points are the Bruneau Jasper Clovis, leaning against the antler and the pink heat-treated Mill Creek dovetail lying flat on the book)
2009 Flintknapping Calendar (April)
(Larry's point is the raw hornstone Clovis, on the left side leaning against the narrow spike.)
The calendars are from McLean Design
Discovery channel spears Larry's notched hoe
Raw Kaolin Clovis May 16th, '07.
Raw Hixton Clovis 24 May, '07
This blade was made from Texas flint from Greg Nunn. '06
This dove's made from fossiliferous chert'06.
This point's made from heated Crescent Quarry Burlington '06
This dovetail is made from heated Mill Creek.
This dove's made from heated Noix Creek Burlington.
Various tools Larry uses in his programs.
This is one of Larry's Cahokia gem points made of Kaolin chert
Here's 2 groups of points Larry sent to the History Channel for a TV special.
Here's a few points Larry made in December, 2004 The dovetail's made of heated Mill Creek chert and the Cahokias are made from Kaolin, Montana moss agate, white Crescent, and Kaolin. The single barbed Cahokia is a very rare type only found at Md. 34.
Here's the flintknapper's mug that the Waldorfs put out years ago. It has a Clovis that Larry made from raw Kaolin.
Here's the original, raw, Kaolin Clovis, from the cup, and a Blair Clovis.
Larry's Bruneau Jasper Clovis
One of Larry's Knife River Clovises.
(Photos Illinois State Museum)
Larry's hoes in the "Peoples of the Past" exhibit at the Illinois State Museum
A wood-burned rattlesnake pipe Larry traded to Tammy Beane. The bowl and rattle (mouthpiece) are made of Catlinite and the stem is made of Sumac.
Notice the snake scales burned into the handle.
Some Cahokias, made for an order, in 2015.
More Cahokias, made in 2016.